In this long-running and popular feature, film buff Mike Walkey gives us his often-personal perspective on some of the day's biggest stories in film and television.

Walkey Talk: The Little Film That Could

Posted by: Mike Walkey  •  August 21, 2011 @ 1:17pm

I am a Woody Allen fanatic. Therefore, I see every one of his films no matter what. That is, regardless of what the critical or box office reception is. There's rarely any media to cover an opening of a Woody Allen film. There's never a midnight showing for those impatient fans -- in fact, there's usually not much of a line up.

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Walkey Talk: My Summer Playlist

Posted by: Mike Walkey  •  August 2, 2011 @ 6:21pm

Standing in line in the rain, catching hypothermia from an air conditioned auditorium, staying up late to watch a midnight showing of a popular movie. The summertime creates many a great movie going experiences.

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Walkey Talk: What is Popular is Not Always Right

Posted by: Mike Walkey  •  July 18, 2011 @ 7:32pm

Congratulations to Harry Potter, the boy wizard who just scored the biggest North American opening in motion picture history this past weekend. In another time, this kind of news would have the showbiz world at a standstill. But in today's showbiz society, it's just another day at the office. And that's too bad, because the numbers are impressive.

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Walkey Talk: I Like to Move It, Move It

Posted by: Mike Walkey  •  June 18, 2011 @ 3:56pm

I've done it in my basement. I've done it outdoors. My favourite place to do it is in a park. I used to be shy about doing it in public but I overcame that. I do it fast. I do it slow. Sometimes I take hours to finish. Once I pulled a groin doing it. After I'm done, I usually like a nice hot shower and have a nap. Sometimes I do it with other people.

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Avatar Revisited

Posted by: Mike Walkey  •  May 22, 2011 @ 10:38pm

Popcorn flicks. Escapist fare. Event films. Summertime is the time of the blockbuster.

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Oscar Coverage: Mike Walkey's 2011 Academy Awards Round-Up

Posted by: Mike Walkey  •  March 1, 2011 @ 3:03pm

Where was Ricky Gervais when we needed him?! Shame on you Hollywood for being too sensitive and ostracizing the acid-tongued Brit comic after the Golden Globes. At least he told actual jokes!

What I witnessed Sunday evening had to be the most awkwardly boring Oscar telecast I have ever watched.

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Walkey Talk: David Fincher - A Retrospective

Posted by: Mike Walkey  •  February 21, 2011 @ 5:10pm

The best director race this year has become much closer now that Tom Hooper from The King's Speech scooped up the Director's Guild Award – a common indicator of the Best Directing Oscar winner. There are some pundits who still believe The Social Network's David Fincher is the man to beat come February 27th.

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Walkey Talk: I Heart New York

Posted by: Mike Walkey  •  February 13, 2011 @ 7:08pm

While I was living in New York City, I once asked a native Long Islander what the dating life in Manhattan was like. He told me it was horrible. To him it was virtually impossible to meet people.

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Oscar Talk: Lose Yourself

Posted by: Mike Walkey  •  February 6, 2011 @ 7:53pm

I love this time of year (Oscar Season) because it allows me to talk about so many great films. Films that challenge and inspire. Films about courage and triumph. Films about loss and heartache. Films of passion.

Discussing great films to me is like having a great dance partner.

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The Oscar Race: Walkey's Thoughts

Posted by: Mike Walkey  •  January 30, 2011 @ 6:33pm

So the big news this week is of course the Oscar nominations, causing people like me to over-analyze everything. Who can blame us? The Academy Awards is our Superbowl. I will be making observations about the Oscar race for the next couple of weeks.

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