EIFF Review: Sunrise

Filed under: Reviews

Considered by many to be one of the great achievements in silent film, more specifically the last great achievement, Murnau's film is an artful work of Expressionism from a master of the style.

A country fella falls for a city gal who convinces him to drown his wife so that they can live in the metropolis. What starts off as Murnau's tale of matrimonial murder switches tack as the fella has a change of heart. O'Brien and Gaynor deserve a lot of credit for their grand pantomime skills. Even without the vocal and musical accompaniment, the audience has a clear understanding of what these characters are feeling just by watching their faces and body language.

Speaking of the music, what a fascinating experience with the eerie theremin combined with a cello, flute, clarinet, and two vocalists. Altogether the film becomes a kind of cult classic like Pink Floyd's The Wall with its acid rock soundtrack. Nothing else comes even close. It's too bad that the EIFF couldn't snag Guy Maddin's new work, a silent film called Brand Upon the Brain! which he screens with his own traveling orchestra. That would have made for a spectacular double bill the likes of which the world may never see again. I regret that this could not be so.

But back to the show. Sunrise may be dated but not because it's a silent film in black and white. Some of the things that the characters do are just antique actions that seem quaint or simply old-fashioned. There's nothing wrong with that, though. I enjoyed my experience, especially admiring the craft of acclaimed director Murnau, who had a firm grasp of interesting film techniques about 80 years ago. Some modern filmmakers could learn a thing or twenty from watching this masterpiece. Bravo!

Sunrise is playing at the Garneau Theatre, 8712 109 Street, on Tuesday, October 3rd at 7:00pm. For more information visit www.edmontonfilmfest.com.

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