What's On Tonight? - Thursday, January 14

Check in with us daily to see what's new tonight on TV.


8:00 PM
NBC / CITY Community
CTV CSI: Crime Scene Investigation
CBC The Nature of Things

8:30 PM
NBC / CITY Parks & Recreation

9:00 PM
NBC / CITY 30 Rock
FOX Fringe
CBS CSI: Crime Scene Investigation
ABC / CTV Grey's Anatomy
CBC The Border
A&E The First 48
(Season premiere.)
TLC American Chopper

9:30 PM
NBC / CITY 30 Rock

10:00 PM
NBC / CITY The Jay Leno Show
CBS / CTV The Mentalist
ABC Private Practice
(Starts at 10:01.)
A&E Manhunters
(Season premiere.)
BRAVO The Real Housewives of Orange County
FX Archer
(Series premiere.)
LIFETIME Project Runway
(Season premiere.)
MTV Jersey Shore

10:30 PM
FX Archer
A&E Manhunters

11:00 PM
LIFETIME Models of the Runway
(Season premiere.)

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