The most anticipated movie of the year, The Dark Knight Rises, opened this past weekend and as expected, it topped news headlines. Unfortunately it was not because of the long line ups and record breaking box office receipts. This past weekend the Warner Bros.
Popcorn flicks. Escapist fare. Event films. Summertime is the time of the blockbuster.
To Sheldon, Leonard, Raj, and Howard, Zack was beneath them and worthy of being made fun of. In a strange twist, Zack not only agreed to go with them to the comic book store, but to also join them in their costume contest.
Lately, the cold openers have been hit or miss, but always tending to be goofy in the punch line. An example of a bad cold opener was last week's episode (The Sting), wherein Michael was portrayed as being so dumb that he never learned to ride a bicycle.
From the time Batman Begins ends to where The Dark Knight starts, you see Gotham on its way out of the gutter. Batman's presence has made police more confident and criminals more cowardly. Gotham has a new beacon of hope in District Attorney, Harvey Dent. Though things are looking up, you need a spark to start a fire.
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