Posts with the tag DC.

Displaying results 1-6 of 6.

Detecting the Marvelous - Happy DC Pride 2022!

Posted by: Matthew Ardill  •  June 3, 2024 @ 7:00am

We chat about the 2022 DC Pride issue and we get into the fun, the funny, and the fearless of this special issue. We all get a little sad at Kevin Conroy's personal story shared in this issue and reflect on THE Batman, as well as some horny thorny plant ladies.

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Detecting the Marvelous - Superman - Guy is not fetch!

Posted by: Matthew Ardill  •  March 10, 2024 @ 8:30pm

Superman never made any money saving the world from Salomon Grundy but we're about to make an episode about another character who couldn't stay dead, Superman. Come listen to us talk about the death of an icon.

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Detecting the Marvelous - Origin Stories

Posted by: Matthew Ardill  •  August 6, 2023 @ 8:19pm

Dan, Layney, and Matt get together talk about the inspiration for the new podcast, Detecting the Marvelous: what inspired them, where their love of comics comes from, and why they chose what they chose.

Theme by Glen Beauchamp and art by Ben Steamroller.

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Rest well, Dark Knight

Posted by: Matthew Ardill  •  November 13, 2022 @ 8:09am

I grew up loving comics and I thought, like most people who were kids during the 80s, Batman was one of the coolest heroes. The Dark Knight (by Frank Miller) was released when I was 12, blowing my mind with the kind of dark and absolutely nightmarish places it went.

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Special effects make-up takes over Vancouver at NorthWest Fan Fest

Posted by: Mark McLeod  •  June 26, 2014 @ 11:48pm

Have you ever wished you could be your favorite superhero or movie character at Halloween? Do you have dreams where you wished you were Hellboy or The Hulk or an undead zombie? I mean, really be those characters, not just wear a lame store-bought costume? What if I told you that there's a school in Vancouver that can not only transform you into whatever your imagination might dr

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Review: The Dark Knight

Posted by: Big Marv  •  July 17, 2008 @ 10:24pm

The Basic:

From the time Batman Begins ends to where The Dark Knight starts, you see Gotham on its way out of the gutter. Batman's presence has made police more confident and criminals more cowardly. Gotham has a new beacon of hope in District Attorney, Harvey Dent. Though things are looking up, you need a spark to start a fire.

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