Posts with the tag review.

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Album Review: Billy Idol - Kings and Queens of the Underworld

Posted by: Chris Hearn  •  November 16, 2014 @ 10:50am

Does anyone really need an introduction to Bill Idol? I don't think so. When it comes to Billy Idol, I like the hits, and he has had some good ones. But, face it, when some of these artists get older, they lose their edge and have difficulty repeating the successes of earlier releases.

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Album Review: Emme Packer - Earlier, Later

Posted by: Ariana  •  November 22, 2009 @ 1:56am

When I first sat down to listen to Emme Packer's double album, Earlier, Later, I was feeling very much in the mood to listen to Bon Iver -- you know, it was a typical rainy, grey November day in Vancouver, and I wanted something gentle and melancholy -- and before I was halfway through the opening track,

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