Three episodes in and still no Broyles or Nina! Not going to lie it's a bit confusing why neither Lance Reddick or Blair Brown's characters have yet to make an appearance in Fringe's final season.
The Fringe team isn't doing any sightseeing in their new found future setting. Rather the gang revisits a familiar spot in their old Harvard lab with the hopes Walter left some souvenirs behind to piece together his former plan.
It's the beginning of the end. Fox's fan favourite sci-fi series Fringe returns for its fifth and final season. Yes, it may only be a half season, only 13 episodes, but late last season myself and other loyal fans were just happy our beloved series had been renewed.
Another 22 down, 13 left to go, and still a ton of sci-fi mystery to look forward to. Fringe closes out another stellar season of TV with season 4's head scratching finale, "Brave New World: Part 2". Somehow this finale episode oddly ended up being one of Fringe's few predictable episodes of the whole year.
It's that time of year again, finale season. For some TV series it just means closing up shop for the summer, some ending their series run, and then there is the third scenario: a show ending their season without knowing if they will be back the next year.
After last week's dozy of an episode Fringe tones it down a notch but still manages to answer some nagging questions. Some familiar faces from past seasons return as Jones' agenda starts to be revealed. The season's story begins to speed up before its bridge is burnt.
This week is the 11th hour for both Fringe teams and their respective universe.
It's an episode that comes but once a season. That Fringe episode that makes all others look normal by comparison. It's the show's experimental episode and like is seasons past this one too delivers.
The residual effects of this season's new time-line have started to merge with previous stories told once again. When David Robert Jones' newest experiments begin to endanger both universes the alternate universe brings in "The Consultant".
This episode had that 'what if' feel to it.
This latest Fringe episode's title, "Everything in its Right Place", seemed to suggest everything being back to normal with Peter and the gang (so to speak). However, after the episode's opening five minutes the title actually alludes to a very different character finding their right place.
In the sprit of Earth Day Fringe decides to do some reusing and recycling with their past stories in this recent episode. Borrowing a fringe event from season one "Nothing As It Seems" replays a familiar scenario for both Peter and Olivia in this current altered time-line.
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