Andy Kindler has often been called a "comic's comic" – someone who many of your favourite comedians love and appreciate. But while that term is certainly meant as a compliment, it's also selling his career in comedy short.
The hour long drama has entered its golden age in the past decade, giving us some of the best TV since the medium's inception. Landmark shows like Boardwalk Empire, Breaking Bad and Game of Thrones take their viewers beyond anything television (and in some cases even cinema... *cough* The Wire) have ever before accomplished.
Much like my previous piece, 'They Shoot Simpsons, Don't They?', I must also preface this manifesto by admitting that throughout my life I have spent countless hours watching Fox TV and have genuinely enjoyed some of their fine programming. God forbid I come across like a 'hater'.
Ever since the release of his acclaimed album The Absurd Nightclub of Eugene Mirman in 2004, the Russian-born, Massachusetts-raised comedian has built a loyal following of fans who appreciate his unique sense of humor.
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