Colt Cabana is a professional wrestler and host of the quintessential wrestling podcast, The Art of Wrestling.
The Illinois native has competed all over the world as an independent talent with pretty much any promotion you can name.
Willis Earl Beal is an unfolding enigma. Every single line of his biography is fascinating. Beal's website simply displays his address and phone number. He offers to trade drawings in exchange for letters and sing to anyone who calls. This was inspired by the Chicago-native's homeless phase.
One of the most clever young writers working today, Chicago-born comic Hannibal Buress is quickly rising in the comedy world.
In the wake of the grandest celebration of film, one must inevitably ponder the value of such an affair: the millions spent on deluxe cuisine, haute-couture and party favors; the endless road blocks manned by legions of the LAPD, their hands quivering in switch-blade readiness inches above their nightsticks; not to mention the monumental production and advertising costs.
Matt Walsh has been a staple of the comedy scene for over a decade, appearing in countless television shows and movies such as The Daily Show, Dog Bites Man, Old School, Role Models, and The Hangover.
This week's How I Met Your Mother episode was the second consecutive agreeable instalment, and was hopefully a positive sign of where the relationship between Barney and Robin is headed, contrary to my former trepidation.
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