Posts with the tag Crash.

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The 10 Worst Oscar Best Picture Winners of All Time

Posted by: Elizabeth Hughes Belzil  •  March 6, 2011 @ 3:31pm

In the wake of the grandest celebration of film, one must inevitably ponder the value of such an affair: the millions spent on deluxe cuisine, haute-couture and party favors; the endless road blocks manned by legions of the LAPD, their hands quivering in switch-blade readiness inches above their nightsticks; not to mention the monumental production and advertising costs.

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Our top 10 films of 2005

Posted by: Paul Little  •  January 18, 2006 @ 5:17pm

The year of 2005 was considered a huge disappointment for the movie industry. The box office receipts fell for the first time in ages, and while studio mouthpieces may have you believe it was because of rampant downloading or the rise in DVD sales, the fact remains that in 2005, the movies just weren't as good.

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