J.D. Renaud. August 14, 2003, the day of the Northeast Blackout. From 4pm to 4am, this was the day J.D. decided what he was going to do with the rest of their life.
Live from The Purple Room, it's Ep. #065 of The Supporting Act Podcast! At the Winnipeg Comedy Festival, which runs from April 6-12, over 90 comics will perform at venues from Pantages to the Park Theatre.
Winnipeg has one of the most diverse and pound-for-pound funniest comedy scenes in Canada. The problem is, it's in Winnipeg.
Over the past decade, and even more-so in the past five years, the comics in my desolate stomping ground have been growing into impressive and formidable comedy beasts. Winnipeg is no stranger to fostering rich and healthy arts communities.
Heckling is an art form.
It's not a very appreciated art form, but it is still a creative vocation deserving of our attention and respect. Unfortunately, it's also one of those amorphous, pretentious art forms. You know, like jazz fusion or interpretive dance.
I have written a lot of material about things I've hated. The reaction has been hit or miss.
"Welcome to JFL42, the world's most confusing comedy festival.
Recently, I've considered getting myself back into the dating game. I'm a young guy, decent odor, relatively disease-free. It's not unrealistic to think I'd enjoy myself if I gave dating some serious effort.
All day today, I will be listening to 'Streams of Whiskey' by The Pogues for 24 solid hours.
Yes, really.
Let me start this off by just saying that I do not hate myself. I doubt you believe that, but It's true.
Have you ever read the book 'The Interrogative Mood' by Padgett Powell? Would you be interested to read it if I told you that the book's main claim to fame is that every single sentence in it is a question? Would you believe me if I told you that it is really quite
I mark every show I play on my calendar. The year is not yet over, but I counted this year's total the other day out of curiosity. Fear not though, loyal reader. I will not pester you with the details of my public displays of mediocrity. Saying the number here would only be masturbatory on my part. Not only that, but the worst kind of masturbatory.
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