Posts with the tag nominees.

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Big Brother 11: How Well Do You Know the Opposite Sex? (Ep. 5)

Posted by: Danielle McGaw  •  July 21, 2009 @ 4:48am

After the first live eviction, Casey observes that it should have been 6-4 to keep Braden. Michele also realizes that someone was lying to her and that Chima would realize that she had voted against her. Chima, Lydia, and the other aligned with the athletes celebrate and Chima says she'll never volunteer as a pawn again. Ronnie can hardly breathe and plans to blame Michele for the vote.

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Big Brother 11: Pimple Face (Ep. 3)

Posted by: Danielle McGaw  •  July 15, 2009 @ 12:50am

After the nominations have gone up Chima hopes that volunteering as a pawn doesn't come back to bite her in the ass. Laura feels like she's dodged a bullet.

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