We rant, we rave. When one of our writers wants to applaud something great happening in television or get out some steam, this is where you'll find it.
The hour long drama has entered its golden age in the past decade, giving us some of the best TV since the medium's inception. Landmark shows like Boardwalk Empire, Breaking Bad and Game of Thrones take their viewers beyond anything television (and in some cases even cinema... *cough* The Wire) have ever before accomplished.
Much like my previous piece, 'They Shoot Simpsons, Don't They?', I must also preface this manifesto by admitting that throughout my life I have spent countless hours watching Fox TV and have genuinely enjoyed some of their fine programming. God forbid I come across like a 'hater'.
Once, while debating the importance (or lack thereof) of industry awards during a Q&A, David Milch was corrected when he said that his previous hit, Deadwood, had been overlooked. Not so. Actor Ian McShane had won for his unforgettable portrayal of Al Swearangen, a cunning and ruthless saloon owner. Milch quickly replied: "True, but that was just a Golden Globe.
Today, I'm bringing back the ShowbizMonkeys.com feature TV Rants & Raves, which has mostly been stagnant over the last few years (besides the odd post here and there). It began originally as a column for one of our first contributors after our re-launch in the fall of 2007, Antalya de Bayram Tatili, but unfortunately it didn't last long.
The Bachelor has always been synonymous with cheese but the latest episode took it to a whole new level.
I have a confession to make: I do not like Boston Legal this season. I thought this would be the year of Jerry and all that is good, but instead it is the year of hating Lorraine and I spend all of her scenes making jokes about how she's probably a man and sighing and wishing she would just leave already. And then I compose letters to David E.
My rant for today: The hot teevee gossip right now is that NBC is looking to spinoff The Office. Don't get me wrong; even if my love has cooled somewhat, there's still a lot to like about the show. Angela, Kelly, Stanley (very excited to see this week's episode!), Dwight "Danger" Shrute...the list goes on and on.
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