With their sophomore episode ("Ghosts") under their belt, Person of Interest still begs the question: is the series another procedural or a smart drama with an endgame? Jim Caviezel tries a familiar CBS style approach early on with the delivery of some of his lines.
Ben Linus is off the island and is training the second coming of Jesus to be New York's version of Batman. I could either be going to Purgatory, Hell, or Arkham for that opening sentence. Now that I've got the obvious jokes out of the way let's take a look at one of this fall season's most promising new series, Person of Interest.
Loved this episode. Besides maybe "Lighthouse", best one so far this year. "Dr. Linus" has always been the best character on Lost thanks to the incredible Michael Emerson (and if he doesn't win an Emmy I'm going to blow my gasket!) and we got a full episode of him.
Now we're getting somewhere. And it is somewhat fitting that Locke, whoever he is, is the one who stars in the episode where we finally see progress in this, the final season. As much as I didn't mind last week's episode, in hindsight we didn't really get anywhere. Perhaps inadvertently making up for this, tonight's episode was pretty great.
After two years of horrible experiments gone wrong (Ryan Seacrest hosting "in the round" in 2007; five reality hosts handling the duties last year), the 2009 Emmy Awards were an entertaining show hosted by the always funny and charming Neil Patrick Harris. The bits were mostly winners -- especially the Dr.
Please excuse the enthusiasm that will inevitably bubble over throughout this review, as I am about to give my first "horror" five-star rating.
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