Filed under: Recaps & Reviews
It wasn't among its absolute best, but it was still a stellar offering. How I Met Your Mother returned last night, answering some of our most burning questions while simultaneously creating many new ones. We learned about the state (or lack thereof) of Barney and Robin's new romance, while Ted's first-day anxiety taught him a valuable lesson about the knowledge of inferiors, and once again, the usual revelation that the majority of Barney's gameplans end in ineffectuality and embarassment.
Particularly ingenious was the incorporation of the Indiana Jones hat and whip, which allowed for the character of Marshall to repeatedly make menacing commands in a rather converse atmosphere, making for his funniest sequence since the second season. Lily was also at her meddlesome best, extending herself to the point of obession to force Barney and Robin to "have the talk".
The point of the plot which was perhaps most entertaining was the aforementioned romantic entanglements of Barney and Robin. They were at their commitment-phobic best, shunning and then embracing the relationship to extremes of comic proficiency. Their continuous grappling with their feelings creates some hilariously ironic incidents that are laugh-out-loud funny in their absurdity.
How I Met Your Mother, if continuing to follow such conventions, definitely appears set to please fans and convert non-viewers. Stay tuned for next week when Ted goes on a blind date with a familiar stranger and a Lily look-a-like is discovered working at a local strip club.
Tags: How I Met Your Mother, Barney, Robin, Ted, premiere, season 5, sitcom
metal2000 says...
LOVE that this show is back. You can never have enough Barney! (And frankly, the whole cast is great.)
shanehallam13 says...
Haha amen to that. The ambivalence between he and Robin is making for some of the funniest HIMYM yet.
heroesgirl314 says...
It's going to be strange/funny seeing Barney in a relationship. But I'm sure it's going to be Legen...wait for it...dary!
BigGame says...
I am not so sure I like where this episode is going I really enjoyed Barney when he was single he was so funny and I hope this doesn't take away from some of that humor on the show. Other than that I thought the show itself was great and looking forward to watching the rest of the season.
shanehallam13 says...
I feel like there is going to be a lot of frustration and turbulence for Barney and Robin. I hope that they either break up or resolve it quickly as I won't stand to watch a How I Met Your Mother without the bona fide Barney that we all love.
skalobster11 says...
I'm definitely confused about the Barney/Robin relationship...I'm not sure if I want them together or not??
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