The Big Bang Theory: The Electric Can-Opener Fluctuation

BIg Bang came back with a bang! Any concerns as to a lengthy period of "will they, won't they" uncertainty between Leonard and Penny came to a speedy end, as within the first two minutes of the program, Leonard returned from his Polar Expedition and was greeted with a resounding kiss. Just like that, it appears that Penny and Leonard have entered a full-fledged relationship. Personally, I appreciate the fact that the two have finally undergone the inevitable, as I am not a huge fan of shows drawing out the romantic entanglements of two leading characters.

The rest of the show apart from the revelation concering Penny and Leonard was somewhat typical of the program, with Sheldon's eccentricities taking the forefront of the action. To those who regularly watch the show, Jim Parsons' portrayal of Sheldon, while grating, is exceptional, especially when considering the fact that Parsons and his character could hardly be less alike in reality. His ability to extend his character beyond his neuroses and to exhibit the human side of the usually robotic character added a sentimental and touching dimension to the show which we have not seen before.

Overall, the show was very typical in its humour, subject matter and convention, though the added dimension to the character of Sheldon made for a more rounded episode. Stay tuned for next week when Leonard and Penny try to make sense of their new relationship and Wolowitz and Sheldon stake their comic book collections on a scientific bet.

Tags: big bang theory, premiere, penny, leonard, sheldon, electric can opener fluctuation

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