What's On Tonight? - Friday, November 20

Check in with us daily to see what's new tonight on TV.


8:00 PM
NBC Law & Order
THE CW Smallvile
CBS / CTV Ghost Whisperer
CBC The Ron James Show
GLOBAL The Guard
(I can't find info that will tell me if tonight's episode is new or not, but... it might be?)

9:00 PM
NBC Dateline NBC
CBS Medium
CBC The Fifth Estate
SYFY Stargate Universe
TLC Say Yes to the Dress
USA Monk

10:00 PM
NBC / CITY The Jay Leno Show
CBS / GLOBAL Numb3rs
ABC 20/20
CTV Flashpoint
E! The Soup
SYFY Sanctuary
TLC Happily Ever Faster
(Seiries premiere. All about Vegas quickie weddings.)
USA White Collar

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