What's On Tonight? - Monday, May 17

Check in with us daily to see what's new tonight in TV (all times Eastern/Pacific).

New Tonight

8:00 PM
NBC Chuck
FOX / GLOBAL House (Season Finale -- looks to be amazing!)
THE CW One Tree Hill
CBS / CITY How I Met Your Mother
ABC Dancing with the Stars
CTV CSI: Miami
ABC FAMILY 10 Things I Hate About You

8:30 PM
CBS Rules of Engagement

9:00 PM
NBC Law & Order (1st episode of the night)
THE CW Gossip Girl (Season Finale)
CBS / CTV Two and a Half Men
CITY Chuck

9:30 PM
CBS / CTV The Big Bang Theory
ABC Romantically Challenged

10:00 PM
NBC Law & Order (2nd episode of the night)
CBS CSI: Miami
ABC / CTV Castle
GLOBAL NCIS: Los Angeles
SHOWTIME Nurse Jackie
BRAVO The Real Housewives of New Jersey

10:30 PM
SHOWTIME The United States of Tara

Paul Little is the founder and Managing Editor of ShowbizMonkeys.com. When not interviewing his favourite musicians and comedians, he can also be found putting on and promoting music and comedy events with The Purple Room in Winnipeg, or co-producing the live comedy game shows Pants on Fire and The Great Patio Showdown. (@comedygeek)

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