Glee: Asian F

Filed under: Recaps & Reviews

Here's a solid episode. We get some much needed screen time about some characters that may have been a little underused in the past. And enjoy this episode while you can Gleeks, because FOX will not be airing new episodes until November 1, due to the Major League Baseball playoffs.


The West Side Story auditions are in full swing along with Will and Mike Chang's Dance Boot Camp. But maybe Mike has been spending too much time dancing because he apparently brought home an A- the other day making Papa Chang very upset. An A- is an Asian F. Yeah, I thought that was pretty funny but why are all Asian fathers portrayed in Hollywood as dictators who demand good grades and force their kids into medical school or engineering or something like that. I know they're just making fun of a stereotype, but that one's pretty dated by now.

Anyways, Mercedes feels Will is pushing her too hard and is starting to get a chip on her shoulder... just in time for the Maria auditions. She gets a pep talk from her beau and decides to bring it for the "Maria Off" between her and Rachel. It's Maria or bust for Mercedes as she is tired of playing second fiddle to Rachel.

Meanwhile, Brittany decides to bring it herself in the race for Student Body President, or is that President With The Best Body? She plays the 'Girl Power' card (and the sex one) while performing a saucy number at a pep rally and has Kurt shaking in his hush puppies.

Bieste wants the footballers to learn ballet so naturally they turn to Mike Chang who teaches them some moves. While practising, Mike shares a great scene with his mother who wants him to go against his father and pursue his (and her) dream of becoming a dancer. Mike also gets inspiration from Tina who reminds him that seeing him dance is the reason she fell in love with him. That's sweet, but if I'm not mistaken, didn't she once say it was his abs that she fell in love with? But good for Mike. He just wants to dance. Is that a crime?

Back to the cat fight...ahem... diva off between Rachel and Mercedes. After feeling like everyone is out to get her, Mercedes looses it at Boot Camp, walks out and quits Glee. She's also too proud to share the lead with Rachel who ends up getting the role of Maria by default. And if the lead in the school musical isn't enough attention for Rachel, she decides to throw her hat in the presidential race too. At first, it seems like a ploy to butter up her extracurricular resume for College, but later we find out that she actually believes she can make a difference after being inspired by Brittany and Kurt. Can't wait to see how that unfolds!

And proving that pride will only get you a date with loneliness, Mercedes joins Shelby's rival Glee Club as the star and sole member.

Finally, Will decides to take the bull by the horns and invite Emma's parents over for dinner and we find out where Emma gets her neurosis from. Emma's parents are a bit of an acquired taste, to put it mildly. You see, they're "Ginger Supremacists" in that they only want Emma to procreate with red haired men to continue domination of their species. At first, Will is polite, but he quickly loses it and unloads on Emma's parents while defending Emma and showing support for her OCD – something her parents never did for her.

Man if Mr. Schuester doesn't get laid soon, I don't know if he ever will!

And that's what you missed on Glee!

Best Lines:

"I kicked a fire hydrant when I found out Ace of Cakes was cancelled." – Bieste

"I plan on dancing my ways into the voters' hahrts!" - Brittany

Best Songs:

One of the best episodes for performances since the numbers were smoothly integrated into the storyline as opposed to the usual musical "assignments". There were many great ones to choose from this week, from Brittany's "Run The World (Girls)" to Mercedes' show stopping "It's All Over" from Dreamgirls. But I'm going with Mike Chang's knockout audition of "Cool" with some great choreography help from the football team.

Tags: Glee

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