I sit with Dan Rosen my favourite family boy to talk about Hannibal Buress's album My Name is Hannibal. We relish in his rule breaking, smart jokes and smart way of spinning dumb jokes. Pick up Dan's album Family Boy at your favourite comedy album platform.
When discussing Hannibal Buress' career, the word "rising" comes to mind. Over the past 7 years, Buress has gradually emerged from throngs of Chicago-bred comics to find himself head and shoulders above his peers.
The hour long drama has entered its golden age in the past decade, giving us some of the best TV since the medium's inception. Landmark shows like Boardwalk Empire, Breaking Bad and Game of Thrones take their viewers beyond anything television (and in some cases even cinema... *cough* The Wire) have ever before accomplished.
One of the most clever young writers working today, Chicago-born comic Hannibal Buress is quickly rising in the comedy world.
"Okay, season 5; here we go"
So says Liz Lemon as the premier episode of 30 Rock's fifth season gets underway. Tina Fey and co.
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Last night may have been Emmy night in Hollywood, but we all know the internet was clamouring for the real winners of the past season in television: The Crafty Monkey Television & TV Achievement Awards!
I'm going to be completely honest here: I'm a bit disappointed by this year's Emmy nominations. Sure, some usual faves who deserve nominations got them, such as Alec Baldwin (30 Rock), Neil Patrick Harris (How I Met Your Mother), and Hugh Laurie (House).
The North American* Genius Monkey Comedy Award is given to a comedy writer/performer who is on his or her way up. Because comedy is not at all objective (despite how much we wish it was), ShowbizMonkeys.com figured that coming up with the absolute funniest comedian each year would be an impossible task.
Liz's building is being converted into condo's and she doesn't want to buy her small one-bedroom apartment because she thinks she will need a bigger place once she has a husband and family. She doesn't want to leave either, however.
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