It's mostly repeats this week in late night land. Tonight, for instance, is all repeats south of the border, as it's Memorial Day (the only non-repeat is CBC's The Hour with George Stroumboloupoulos).
Hello, friends! So how was your weekend? Good times? Up here in Winnipeg, the weather was gorgeous all weekend, so Saturday I did some car-aoke and Sunday was spent out at the park for some football and BBQ. Even though the calendar doesn't say so yet, it's so great that summer's here!
But with the summer comes the end of the broadcast television season.
So did any of you watch the 60 Minutes with Conan O'Brien last Sunday? There wasn't anything particularly revelatory in the interview, though it was nice to see that he could still find the levity in the situation and realize that while the whole Tonight Show/NBC push-out sucked for him, it wasn't the end of the world.
This week is mostly repeat-free, so a big "hooray!" from me for that.
Unfortunately, I don't have time this week to do a write-up for what not to miss this week, or of anything else, for that matter.
So the news just hit this morning, on the day he and his crew begin their 2-month "Legally Prohibited from Being Funny on Television" tour: Conan O'Brien will have a late night show on TBS beginning in November.
Sorry folks! I was quite sick last Sunday, and with several shows airing repeats, I took that as an opportunity to get more sleep on Sunday and Monday (thus not posting these updates). I realize that it's probably not the best excuse, but it is mine none-the-less.
So Conan O'Brien is going on tour, everyone! Did you get your tickets? They went on sale on Thursday the 11th, which also happened to be the day I was checking out of my hotel in Vegas, so I didn't have internet access and didn't even know they were GOING on sale until they WERE on sale.
Sorry about missing last week. I know it seems like a habit of one week on, one week off, but I have a good excuse. I was in Mexico for a good friend's wedding, and my resort in Mexico didn't have the Wi-Fi in the rooms that I thought it did.
Last week, most shows were in either repeats or pre-empted because of the Olympics, but this week almost every one is back on with new episodes. Not very much interesting actually happened over the last couple weeks since I last posted.
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