Big Brother 11: Finally, it's Big Brother season!

Filed under: Recaps & Reviews

So, who is thrilled that Big Brother 11 is starting tonight? I don't know about you but it's the highlight of my summer. Yes, I have no life. That being said, let's take a look at what this season is going to bring us.

The theme is High School Cliques. Something Big Brother would come up with. Everyone is to be divided up into 4 cliques – the Popular kids, the Athletes, the Brains, and the Off-Beats. I'm not thrilled with the idea but it should shake up the house a bit. Oh wait, that's not the official theme. The official them is Recycling. That theme can be seen all over the house. Recycled wall material, etc. Blah, blah, blah. I'm sorry but that really bores me so if you really care about that go and search it on YouTube.

Let's see who they've divided into which group...

The Athletes

Braden Bacha – he's a model/actor (there's a shock huh?) and oh, a poet! He's from Santa Monica, CA so of course, he's also a surfer. He definitely has the look. He's 28 and we don't know if he's single or straight but if the videos that are showing up are any indication he might be a little curvy, if ya know what I mean. His strategy as he goes into the house is to befriend everyone and steer clear from people that he gets bad energy vibe from. If you search him at IMDb Filmography you'll see some of his work and he's been on My impressions: he seems kind of wishy washy and I'm betting that he'll be one of the first guys to get into a showmance – either that or kicked out in the first two weeks.

Natalie Martinez – she's a 24 year old store manager from Gilbert, AZ and she's single. She doesn't want everyone to figure her out all at once so I'm guessing that she won't tell people that she's a competitive Tae Kwon Do champion. This girl admits that she has no problem lying to get what she wants. My impressions: If she's smart she'll play dumb. But honestly, I don't think she has it in her to play dumb so she'll likely come out strong by the third week and get kicked out unless she can win HOH.

Russell Kairouz – this 24 year old mixed martial arts fight is single and straight and from Walnut Creek CA. He calls himself "Russell the Love Muscle" – i.e. huge ego! His plan is to align himself with the next strongest person in the house (because there couldn't possibly be anyone stronger than him!)

My impressions: he's got that big jock look that automatically makes me want him to be booted out and he's pretty cocky from what I've read. But his type has lasted before.

The Off-Beats

Casey Turner – he's a teacher my day and a DJ by night and is known as "Mingle Mixx" around the St. Petersburg, FL area. At 41 years old he is straight and married. He claims that he is not "whack" and it is his goal not to get whacked by association so he's not planning to align with anyone too early. His website,, seems to be down so I guess he has put a shutdown on it until further notice. My impressions: anyone that used the term "whacked" in reference to anything other than a conversation about the Sopranos is going to be annoying.

Lydia Tavera – she single guys – and girls. She likes both and this bisexual make-up artist is from Torrance, CA. She's also been a nanny for an as yet unnamed public couple (I'm going to guess Brad and Angelina because I bet Angelina would love her) and has some great tattoos. Oh, and she's a total Harry Potter FREAK. How could you not love this girl? Oh, strategy – flirt with the guys or the girls, whichever will be more beneficial for her. My impressions: I'm rooting for this girl. She's my favorite so far and I think she's going to be a lot of fun.

Kevin Campbell – this 29 year old Graphic Designer is from Chula Vista, CA is going to either drive everyone nuts or be a blast. He's gay and single but he's been with his current boyfriend for 9 years. His only plan is to be super extra fabulous. I'll be he will be. He's a disfellowshipped Jehovah's Witness. My impressions: I generally love the gay guys so I'm sure Kevin will be interesting at the very least. I don't think he has a clue what he's getting into though!

The Brains

Chima Simone – she's 32, single, and a freelance journalist from West Hollywood, CA. And that's really all we know about her. You can find her on Facebook and there's a couple of videos of her interviewing on YouTube but really, she hasn't got anything nasty to report yet. Her only strategy so far is to be cool, calm, and collected, even though she admits that she's not. My impressions: her lack of largeness could make her a serious contender. And if she puts on a bikini and doesn't make a stink the guys are going to want to keep her around!

Ronnie Talbot – they are calling this 30 year old from Belpre, OH a nerd but I think he's more of a geek and I love geeks. He's married and teaches school. He plans to make his alliances with people that you wouldn't expect him to associate with. He's applied for other reality shows before and he's a self-proclaimed video game nerd. My impressions: he's smart but I really don't think he's tough enough to hand Big Brother.

Michele Noonan – very likely to be the most intelligent person Big Brother has ever seen (at least on paper), this 27 year old is a Neuroscientist from Pasadena, CA. She's married and plans to observe everyone and try to find someone she can take to the end. My impressions: she's likely too smart for her own good. I hope she doesn't tell people how smart she really is.

The Popular Kids

Jeff Schroeder – at 31 he's an advertising salesman based in Norridge, IL. Good looking guy and he's single. But his strategy sucks – he wants to play honestly. My impressions: Really? Has he ever seen the show? But then again, he reminds me of every other guy who walks in and says he's going to play honestly and turns out to be the biggest manipulator of the game. These people make me miss Boogie and Will!

Jordan Lloyd - she looks like the All American Girl Next Door and she's not far from it. She's a waitress (at Hooters?) from Matthews, NC, single and 22 years old. Her strategy? She knows everyone is going to be manipulative so she's going to keep an open mind. My impressions: C'mon – just admit that you plan to find out who the biggest manipulator is and then align with them! Her most unique feature so far? She's very proud of her new boobs.

Laura Crosby – a 21 year old, single bikini model from Atlanta, GA this girl is planning to be a ticking time bomb. Last thing she wants to be thought of is a sucker. You can find her all over the internet so if you're looking for eye candy check out or There's even some semi-nude pics out there and if you're so inclined I bet it won't be long before the topless photos come out. My impressions: Holy &*() – did they clone Jen? She looks just like her and she admits to being a ticking time bomb. I nominate her to be the one most likely to end up in the red leotard this year.

So, those are your guests for the season. Wait, are we done? Well, the rumor is there is a 13th plate at the dinner table and there's lots of speculation about who it could be for. A previous housemate or someone entirely different? Guess you'll just have to wait for the Episode 1 recap!

You can find Danielle McGaw talking about her freelance life at her blog, A Freelance Life!

Tags: Big Brother, BB11, Big Brother 11, Julie Chen, Popular, Athletes, Brains, Off-Beats, CBS, reality TV

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