Canadian Idol Season 6: Top 20 Results

Filed under: Recaps & Reviews

I just fried my mouse by accidentally dumping half a cup of coffee all over my keyboard tray. It was not fun.

They're really playing with the format of the entire show this year. Last week, as you may recall, the results show consisted of small group performances. This week, the judges each get to pick their favorite performance from the past two nights and have that person sing again.

Farley is up first, and he has chosen Theo to redo his version of "Collide". Theo is sporting a fauxhawk tonight, making it very difficult for me to focus on anything else, like his mad piano skills. I did manage to tear my eyes away from the hair though, and I'm glad. Despite not competing for votes this time, Theo is able to duplicate last night's performance. Actually, I think it might be even better than last night. While talking to Ben, Theo points out excitedly that someone in the crowd is holding a sign with his name on it, and it's not his parents.

Zack's choice for an encore is Amberly, because she "radiates incredible spirit." He seems rather taken with her. Amberly is performing "Everything I Own" again, and she keeps smiling to herself like she's completely happy with where she is right now. There may be a little bit of disbelief in there, too.

Jake chose Oliver to bring back "Sorry Seems to Be the Hardest Word," and Oliver manages to bring the sad eyes back with it. I don't know why exactly, but I think that he does an even better job tonight. Maybe he's a little more relaxed?

Sass gets the final encore of the night, and she's picked Omar, which does not surprise me in the least. I actually like the way Omar is dressed tonight. He's sporting shorts, a t-shirt and a hat, and the casual look is definitely working on him. But I'm supposed to be focusing on his singing, right? It's basically a repeat of what he did last night. Nothing more, nothing less, and I still don't really feel him. This may stem from my take-it-or-leave-it attitude towards the R&B genre in general, though, so don't think I'm dissing Omar. It's definitely nothing personal.

Omar's was the last performance, and it's time for the elimination portion of the evening. The bottom 3 format is back this week, which I think I approve of. I like suspense, I guess.

So. From Monday's group, the three people with the fewest votes are: Lisa, Marie-Pierre, and Paul Clifford. My prediction is that Paul will be safe, because I called the other two to go home that night, and because Paul is one member of my fantasy Top 10. From Tuesday night, we have Jesse, Adam, and Jessica in the bottom three. I'm getting nervous. I like Jesse. A lot. I am crossing my fingers and praying that he's safe.

Ben announces that the first person from Monday's group to be going home is Paul. I yell at the TV, and Ben tells Paul that he can go backstage. Is that normal? I thought they usually stuck around and cried and hugged and got interviewed. I could be wrong, though.

From Tuesday, the first person to be sent home is Jesse. I'm fairly certain that my entire building heard my cry of despair. There is a sadface and the word "boo" in capital letters in my notes at this point, and that says enough, I think.

We're going to a commercial break with Jessica, Adam, Lisa, and Marie-Pierre still standing with Ben. When we return to the show, it is revealed that Lisa is...going home, and Marie-Pierre is the safe member of Monday's bottom three. As for Tuesday, Adam is safe and Jessica is sent packing. She starts crying, and during the subsequent group hug, we see that Mark Day is also shedding quite a few tears.

Well, we're down to just four girls and twelve guys now. This could make for a very interesting Top 10 (12? Who knows, really?) Personally, I thought the results this week were fifty percent spot on (Lisa, Jessica) and fifty percent pure crap (Paul, Jesse). However, I think that there is still a lot of potential for an absolutely tremendous Top 10 this season. Are you satisfied with the results tonight? Did you vote for anyone this week? Who do you think is going to make the final cut?

Tags: Canadian Idol, Ben Mulroney, Jesse Cottam

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Original Comments Posted (1)

Ariana says...

Wow! I only caught the very tail end and I thought they'd just eliminated Lisa and Jessica. I didn't realize Paul and Jesse were gone -- and I'm surprised on both. My favourites are all still around, though.

Jul 4, 2008 5:16am

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